UA-197644768-1 How To Become A Coach With Clarity - LaQuita’s Toolbox


How To Become A Coach With Clarity

What does it take to become a coach with clarity ? In this episode I ask that question to Lee Chaix McDonough founder of "Coach with Clarity". In this conversation Lee provides us with practical and easily implementable tools that we can use to become that which we desire to be.

Here is just a snippet of our conversation, Lee states :

 I developed a tool that I call the coaching business compass, and it's composed of eight different directions that you can take in your business at any given time, based on what your priorities are, where you're at, in your journey.

If you're creating a new offer, I mean, there's a lot to consider here, I created it as a compass and not a roadmap. Because a roadmap is really linear, it suggests we're going to do something, we're going to hit a milestone, check that box and move on.

Whereas we know in business, a lot of times we're going back, we're revisiting core concepts and ideas and even our core values. So a compass allows us to pivot to head in another direction and then move back at a later point.

But on that compass that I've created, the true north, the very first direction is about your identity. It's really ensuring that you have a clear understanding of what matters most to you. So before we even start talking about your ideal client, who they are and your offer and all of that, we need to really ground down into your values.

What matters most was to you ,the natural skills and talents you bring to the table because I guarantee you have them. Even if they don't necessarily feel like strengths or talents right away, they're in there. And in fact, often what makes us really powerful as coaches and what sets us apart, we don't even see as a strength because it comes so naturally to us.

We actually have to have other people point that out, right?

Yeah, right, right. So we will, we want to make sure we're really clear on who we are not as even as a coach, but as a human being, what we stand for and what we believe in.

Once we're really solid on our values and our strengths, then we can start facing outward. And looking at our ideal clients, our coaching approach, our coaching offers, all of that is important that comes next.

But we have to have that really strong foundation in our identity first.

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Easily implementable life “tools” that lead to lasting success in life and business

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